in Diet For Healthy Heart, Nutritional Deficiencies

Top 4 Nutritional Deficiencies in Indian Children and Their Solutions to Know in 2024

Parents always want  the best for their children which includes good health throughout their lives. In today’s world, children often pick up on eating habits which can create nutritional deficiencies. These habits  differ from one another based on region, lifestyle, race, socioeconomic factors, etc and can also lead to them developing as unhealthy adults. There are some nutritional deficiencies in children which many go unnoticed and they are quite common in children and have become a growing concern for parents/ caregivers. These deficiencies can cause harmful effects on a child’s overall healthy development, importantly on their young hearts. In this blog, we will learn about some common causes of nutritional deficiencies that are unknowingly shared by many children and help parents/ caregivers understand why it matters so much for the child, its harsh impact on the kid’s heart health and some useful solutions to eliminate such deficiencies to occur.

Top 4 Nutritional Deficiencies that are Common in Indian Children:

1. Iron Deficiency (Anemia) and Heart Health

Why Iron Matters:

Iron is an essential element of growing kids’ diet which helps produce a sufficient amount of hemoglobin in the body. Hemoglobin assists in supplying oxygen to all body parts, including the involuntary muscles of the heart and also gives a red colour to the blood. Children who do not consume adequate iron in their diet can suffer from anemia, which reduces the oxygen supply throughout the body and depreciates overall health over time.

Impact on Heart Health:

Children who are challenged by anemia will have a heart that has to work harder than normal to pump a sufficient amount of oxygen-rich blood to the body. With time, this extra pressure on the heart will impact heart health, adversely and can potentially make kids vulnerable to developing cardiovascular diseases such as heart failure or an enlarged heart.

Common Causes of Iron Deficiency in the Indian Diet:

Iron deficiency is becoming common among Indian children because there is limited consumption of iron-rich foods like leafy greens, meat, and fortified cereals which promote heart health. Instead, diets which are followed today by many children are heavy in grains like rice or wheat, which don’t provide enough iron to the body.


The solution for this is easy, which is to include more iron-rich foods in your child’s diet regularly, such as spinach, legumes, eggs (if non-vegetarian), and jaggery. When parents pair these with Vitamin C-rich foods like amla or citrus fruits it can further help improve iron absorption in the body.

2. Vitamin D Deficiency and Heart Health

Why Vitamin D Matters:

Vitamin D helps in calcium absorption for growing kids, which is essential for their bones and heart muscles to function correctly, effectively and efficiently. Vitamin D deficiency is extremely common in Indian children because of their lack of ample exposure to sunlight, poor dietary consumption, and actively living indoors rather than spending time outdoors in the sunshine.

Impact on Heart Health:

Vitamin D deficiency is directly linked to the development of many heart diseases such as hypertension and in severe cases heart failure. In children, insufficient Vitamin D can lead to an imbalance in calcium metabolism which can thus impact the involuntary muscles around the heart negatively. Some studies have concluded that low Vitamin D is the prime reason for higher blood pressure, hence, increasing the long-term risk of developing a heart disease.

Common Causes of Vitamin D Deficiency in the Indian Diet:

Many Indian diets cannot provide sufficient Vitamin D because of limited consumption of food sources like fatty fish, egg yolks, and fortified foods. In addition to that, some cultural practices can also limit a child’s exposure to sunlight creating Vitamin D deficiency.


All parents/caregivers should always encourage as well as motivate their kids to actively participate in outdoor activities for at least 30 minutes a day, 4-6 days a week, to help the kids’ skin absorb a healthy amount of Vitamin D. Parents can introduce Vitamin D-fortified foods to kids like milk, or consult a qualified doctor about Vitamin D supplements for your child if Vitamin D levels are low in the kid. Routine use of vitamin D supplements during the first year of life is now a standard practice followed by Paediatricians.

3. Vitamin B12 Deficiency and Heart Health

Why Vitamin B12 Matters:        

Vitamin B12 helps the kids’ bodies to remain optimally healthy and is also responsible for producing life-giving red blood cells as well as regulating healthily coordinated nerve function plus improved coordination of the entire body. It is required in the kids’ body because it reduces homocysteine levels i.e. a compound that is closely connected to development of heart disease when it begins to build in the blood.

Impact on Heart Health:

Children who do not have sufficient Vitamin B12 in their bodies will always have higher homocysteine levels than kids who have an adequate amount of Vitamin B12. Insufficient Vitamin B12 will begin to cause damage to the blood vessels and significantly increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease with time. This deficiency should be identified at an early stage by some common symptoms like fatigue or shortness of breath in kids and can be correctly treated by an expert and experienced medical professional or family doctor.

Common Causes of Vitamin B12 Deficiency in Indian Diet:

Vitamin B12 is present in several animal or non-vegan products like eggs, fish, and dairy and in India, the majority of the population are vegetarians which is why some Indian children are not able to receive enough Vitamin B12 through their diet and will need medical intervention to manage healthy Vitamin B12 levels in the body.


The Vitamin B12 deficiency in kids can be dealt with if parents/caregivers start including eggs, milk, and fortified cereals in their child’s diet regularly. if there are noticeable signs of Vitamin B12, please visit a doctor to help your kid become healthy again with optimal Vitamin B12 levels in their body.

6. Folate (Vitamin B9) Deficiency and Cardiovascular Development

Why Folate Matters:

Folate, or Vitamin B9, is a life-giving element in the body which plays a critical role in DNA synthesis, cell division, and proper red blood cell formation throughout the body. It also helps in healthily regulating homocysteine levels, which is necessary to provide the best protection to the priceless heart.

Impact on Heart Health:

A lack of folate or Vitamin B9 can lead to higher homocysteine levels and has similar effects much like Vitamin B12 deficiency. High homocysteine levels are directly linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, even in children which is why avoiding this deficiency is imperative for parents.

Common Causes of Folate or Vitamin B9 Deficiency in the Indian Diet:

Many Indian dishes include legumes and greens, which are an excellent choice of food and an exceptional source of folate. Children can still suffer from this deficiency, especially if their normal diet has these foods absent in their life or their diet primarily consists of processed, nutrient-poor snacks.


The solution for this deficiency is to introduce and include folate-rich foods like lentils, spinach, chickpeas, and fortified cereals in your child’s daily meals. These will not only help in providing essential nutrients but also support healthy heart development for the kid.

Conclusion: Prioritizing Heart Health from Childhood In summary nutritional deficiencies in Indian children are rising to an unexpected figure. Everyone must know that it is not just about short-term growth or development of the body during childhood, but nutrition will lay the foundation for long-term health, especially for the heart which has to beat every second with no breaks. These common deficiencies can be cured by parents by implementing the solution while informing the reason for a better diet choice to kids when they will usually pick up parents’/caregivers’ habits. Remember only by consuming balanced meals, encouraging physical activity, optimally meeting the body’s nutrition needs and punctual as well as regular health check-ups are the best ways to support a heart-healthy lifestyle from childhood for your kid to live healthier and longer.

in Cardiology, Congenital Heart Disease, Diet For Healthy Heart

Everything Parents Should Know About Childhood Obesity and Heart Health

Every parent wants their kid to grow up as a healthy adult and will do everything in their power to provide only the best for their child without any compromise on their precious health. Childhood obesity is on the rise globally which often begins with an adorable bulge in the belly and results in developing several health complications including the high risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. It has become a rising concern in India and the world over the last decade because of untimely and unhealthy diets consumed by children all around the world. Unhealthy dietary habits are resulting in reduced physical activity and many more obese children are now vulnerable to developing heart diseases as young adults. In this blog, we will understand the crucial connection between childhood obesity and heart health and learn about some useful steps to be implemented in daily routine to safeguard children’s health and help them grow up happily healthy and physically strong to become the best version of themselves as adults.

Do you Know What Childhood Obesity is?

When a child eats an unhealthy diet, a large amount of fat is accumulated in the kid’s body. This excessive weight which is carried by the child is an inseparable part of their bodies which creates obesity in kids. This is Childhood Obesity which can be the root cause of developing several diseases including heart diseases. It can further lead to developing several health complications like many childhood obesity cases if neglected or untreated. In India, there is a tsunami of fast food, packaged snacks, and sedentary lifestyles, which are influencing almost all children leaving them more susceptible to succumb to its effects. To countless parents, it might not appear like a major issue during the initial years of childhood, but obesity can have adverse effects on a child’s heart health and overall health which will obstruct them from becoming healthy adults with a long lifespan in future.

Almost every Indian home today has a deep affection and intangible connection for consuming and sharing sweets like laddoos, gulab jamun, jalebi and countless more unhealthy eating options. These foods do not pose significant health concerns if they are consumed occasionally, but regular consumption of them along with some other high-fat snacks like samosas or deep-fried pakoras will amount to more unhealthy calories which will increase the obesity levels and hamper overall health. When these unhealthy eating habits are combined with an inactive or sedentary lifestyle and children tend to spend more time watching TV or playing video games, than engaging in physical activities the risk of obesity will significantly rise hand in hand.

The Secret & Crucial Link Between Childhood Obesity and Heart Health

1. High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

All obese children will carry excess weight, and this exerts excessive pressure on the body to stay active, which then creates the need for more oxygen supply, making the heart work harder and become less efficient with time. This continuous strain on the body will result in high blood pressure in children and, if it is left untreated, high blood pressure will cause the heart to function ineffectively and significantly increase the risk of developing heart disease in the future.

2. High Cholesterol Levels

Childhood obesity creates higher levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and lower levels of good cholesterol (HDL) in the body, and LDL cholesterol will then begin to build up in the arteries, blocking and obstructing the healthy blood circulation in the body, this results in developing a medical condition called atherosclerosis, which increases the risk of having harmful heart attacks and strokes in young adults.

3. Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

Obesity is the leading cause and backbone of developing type 2 diabetes, which will also increase the risk of developing heart disease in future. In the world, all children who are obese are more likely to develop insulin resistance in their bodies for many reasons including obesity. Insulin helps the body to healthily manage blood sugar levels, and when it cannot be managed correctly, it will lead to some health complications like permanent nerve damage or severe heart problems.

4. Increased Risk of Adult Obesity and Heart Disease

Children who are obese or overweight are more likely to remain obese as adults, which will then significantly increase the risks of developing cardiovascular disease later in life. The longer obesity exists, the greater the chances of suffering from poor health or heart attacks and strokes.

Some Healthy Steps to Prevent Childhood Obesity and Promote More Heartbeats

1. Healthy Eating Habits

Start encouraging your child or children to regularly consume a balanced diet filled with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins and along with it, make it clear to them that it is essential for maintaining a healthy weight and happy heart. Also, explaining why it’s essential can minimize the usual consumption of deep-fried snacks, sugary sweets, and processed foods can help your children make the best diet choices for a longer lifespan.

2. Promote Physical Activity

It is a great choice to implement a regular and punctual exercise routine to help children maintain a healthy weight and strengthen their bodies as well as hearts each day. Always motivate your kids to actively participate in physical activities such as sports, cycling, yoga etc. which interests them to help them live and remain healthy for a long time. It is important to reduce screen time on mobile phones or TV and let the kids explore the world freely physically not digitally.

3. Lead by Example

Children tend to always follow and imitate the habits of their parents or anyone they truly love to become like them when they grow up as wonderful adults. Practising healthy eating, staying active, and managing your own body weight as a parent/caregiver will set a positive example in your child’s subconscious mind. Try to maintain and define family mealtimes and also introduce healthy eating habits to kids for their optimal health.

Conclusion: Little Hearts will Get Big, Do Not Let Them Grow Up with a Weak Heart

In summary, the important connection between childhood obesity and heart health is often overlooked by many but it is crucial to know in 2024, because of the increasing cases of heart diseases, heart attacks and diabetes in young adults. Parents or caregivers who wish to tackle childhood obesity need to know that it is not just about keeping your child’s body weight in healthy embankments, it is also about securing a healthy future for them with a healthy heart, mind and soul hand in hand. By adopting some of the healthy habits mentioned above in this blog, like a balanced diet, promoting physical activity, setting a positive example, and more all parents/caregivers can help all children become adults with a healthy heart which will in turn keep the body healthy. Remember all children deserve a strong heart and you as a perfect parent or concerned caregiver can gift them the perfect heart health by taking necessary care of their diet and daily routine.

in Cardiology, Diet For Healthy Heart, Heart Defects

The Best Diet Options for Kids to Develop a Healthy Heart as Adults

All parents and caregivers are aware of the fact that one of the most impactful and the best ways to ensure their loving child’s long-term health is by a perfectly healthy diet. It is important to know that what children consume in the early years of childhood not only influences their immediate well-being but also scales up the foundation for their heart health as adults. Interestingly, did you know that the human skeleton is completely replaced with a new one in place in the body approximately every ten years? This cellular regeneration process is responsible for providing our bodies with everything they need, especially superfast growing children with the right amount of nutrients to support lifelong overall and heart health. Dr. Manvinder Singh Sachdev is an experienced Pediatric cardiologist who is available at Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurgaon to make the lives of kids with heart defects better than before. In this blog, we will know about the best diet options for growing kids to develop healthy hearts as adults when they grow up.

The Developing Building Blocks of a Healthy Heart

Knowing the Process of Cellular Renewal

There are approximately 37.2 trillion cells in the body and every cell in our body is continuously being replaced with new ones and the food we consume provides the essential elements to support this process of renewal. More than 2 million cells die every second and 2 million more are produced every second to maintain a healthy balance of life. The quality of the food we consume directly affects the quality of our cells. For growing children, whose bodies are constantly growing and developing rapidly, this connection between food and health is even more critical than in adults. It is important to know that by providing kids with nutrient-rich foods, their bodies will also develop healthily and their heart muscles will also remain strong.

Key Nutrients for Heart Health

1. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Some of the best sources of Omega-3 Fatty Acids are Fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines), flaxseeds, chia seeds, and walnuts. Some major benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids are it is crucial for heart health, they help reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure, and decrease the risk of developing heart disease in the future. Including Omega-3 Fatty Acids in a child’s diet will support the development of a healthy cardiovascular system as they grow.

2. Fiber

Whole grains, fruits (apples, berries, oranges), vegetables (broccoli, carrots), and legumes (beans, lentils) are the best sources of fiber. The major benefits are, that it helps regulate blood sugar levels and lowers cholesterol, both of which are extremely important for heart health. In addition to that, fiber also aids in healthy and proper digestion which helps to maintain a healthy weight.

3. Antioxidants

Some best sources of Antioxidants are fruits (blueberries, strawberries, oranges), vegetables (spinach, kale, tomatoes), and nuts (almonds, pecans). The benefits of Antioxidants include, they protect the body’s cells from many kinds of damage. This protection also helps in offering better immunity to the cardiovascular system, thus, reducing the risk of heart disease.

4. Vitamins and Minerals

Some Key Vitamins and Minerals are Vitamin D, Vitamin E, magnesium, potassium and calcium.

The best source for vitamins and minerals is many including dairy products, leafy greens, nuts and seeds, bananas, avocados, and fortified foods. The benefits of consuming these vitamins and minerals include the vital role they play in maintaining optimal heart health. For example, potassium helps to regulate healthy blood pressure, and magnesium is very essential for competent muscle function, including the heart’s involuntary muscles.

Some Fun and Engaging Ways to Promote Healthy Eating in Kids:

1. Involve Kids in Meal Preparations

It is good to let kids lend a helping hand with the nutritious meal preparation. This can be a fun and practical way to teach them about different foods, their types and uses and the importance of nutrition present in them.

Example Activity: You can organize a “build your own salad snacks time” where kids can choose their toppings from a variety of healthy options of fruits and vegetables.

2. Health Education Through Fun Facts

It is necessary to share some interesting facts about the food to be consumed so that kids can learn about nutrition in a more engaging manner. For example, you can explain to kids how the body regenerates its cells with the food we eat and why the right foods are important for development.

3. Make Healthy Food Attractive for Kids

It is important to present healthy foods in an attractive and fun way for kids to eat enthusiastically. Parents can use colorful fruits and vegetables to create visually appealing plates that are packed with necessary nutrition.

Conclusion: Eat Right From the Start and Develop a Healthy Heart

In summary, the food consumed by children today will shape their future health as adults. Hence it is important to provide a nutritious diet which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, antioxidants, and essential vitamins and minerals to develop a healthy heart and maintain overall well-being. It is also necessary for parents to encourage balanced meals, limit processed foods, ensure proper hydration, make healthy snacks available, and teach about portion control to develop heart-healthy habits from a young age. If the kid suffers from any heart problem soon after birth or during childhood it is advised to consult a doctor who is an expert in Pediatric Cardiology. Dr. Manvinder Singh Sachdev is the Director and Head of the Department of Pediatric Cardiology at Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurgaon he has solved many kids’ complicated heart problems and is one of the best doctors for kids’ heart medical consultations. Remember only by engaging children in practical meal preparation and educating them with fun facts can make the healthy eating habits being developed effectively, these habits will then pave the way for their future health and heart health as well.

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Understanding Congenital Heart Defects in Newborns: A Complete Guide For Parents

Not everyone is born with a perfect heart and some Congenital heart defects (CHDs) are among the most common types of birth defects, affecting approximately 1 in every 100 newborns all over the world. These defects often involve abnormalities in the structure of the heart or the major blood vessels near the heart, which can easily disrupt the normal flow of blood. Understanding CHDs is very crucial for early detection, prompt medical intervention, and better outcomes for challenged or affected infants. In this blog post, we’ll uncover various types of CHDs, how they are detected, some common symptoms, and available treatment options for the same.

Types of Congenital Heart Defects:

CHDs include a wide range of abnormalities, each affecting different parts of the heart. Some common types include the following:

1. Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD):

This defect involves a hole in the wall (septum) that separates the heart’s lower chambers (ventricles). VSDs can vary in size and severity and is often unique for all newborns with this medical condition.

2. Atrial Septal Defect (ASD):

In ASD, there is a hole in the wall that separates the heart’s upper chambers (atria). Like VSDs, ASDs can vary in size and severity and is unique to many newborns with heart abnormalities.

3. Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF):

TOF is a complex CHD which is characterized by four specific types of heart defects: a ventricular septal defect, pulmonary valve stenosis, overriding aorta, and right ventricular hypertrophy in newborns.

4. Transposition of the Great Arteries (TGA):

In TGA, the positions of the pulmonary artery and the aorta switch places, leading to abnormal blood flow between the heart and the lungs which makes it difficult to oxygenate blood in the right amount.

5. Coarctation of the Aorta:

This defect involves a narrowing of the aorta which is the main artery responsible for carrying blood from the heart to the body, leading to decreased healthy blood flow to the body.

Detection of Congenital Heart Defects:

Most of the CHDs may be detected during pregnancy through routine prenatal screening, such as fetal ultrasound or fetal echocardiography. However, some defects may not be detected until after birth or during infancy. Common diagnostic tests for CHDs always include the following:

• Pulse oximetry screening: It measures oxygen levels in the blood, which can help identify some CHDs shortly after birth to doctors and medical professionals.

• Echocardiogram (Echo): An ultrasound of the heart that provides detailed images of the heart’s structure and its function, allowing healthcare providers to diagnose specific defects if they exist.

Symptoms and Signs:

The symptoms and signs of CHDs can vary depending on the type and severity of the defect. Some common signs that may indicate a CHD in newborns include the following:

• Cyanosis (bluish tint to the skin, lips, or nails due to low oxygen levels)

• Rapid breathing or difficulty breathing

• Poor feeding or fatigue during feeding

• Failure to thrive (poor weight gain and growth)

• Persistent coughing or wheezing

• Irregular heartbeat or heart murmur (abnormal sounds heard during a physical examination)

Treatment Options:

The treatment for CHDs also depends on the type and severity of the defect identified in the newborn. While some defects may require constant monitoring and detailed observation, others may include surgical intervention or other medical procedures. Common treatment options include the following:

• Medications: Certain medications may be prescribed by expert doctors to manage all the symptoms, control blood pressure, or prevent further complications.

•             Catheter-based procedures: These are minimally invasive procedures, which include balloon angioplasty or similar procedures, and may be performed to repair certain defects permanently.

•             Surgery: Open-heart surgery may be very necessary to correct more complex defects, such as VSDs, TOF, or TGA. Surgical techniques may include patching holes, repairing valves, or reconstructing blood vessels very carefully.


Congenital heart defects are regarded as complex medical conditions for newborns that require early detection and appropriate management to ensure the best possible outcomes for affected infants as well as their families. With recent advances in medical technology and interventions of the 21st century, many children with CHDs are able to lead healthy and fulfilling lives. By scheduling an appointment with a reliable Pediatric doctor like Dr. Manvinder, parents can better understand their newborn’s heart health and take necessary steps to solve any heart complications if they exist. It’s essential for parents and healthcare providers to be aware of the possible signs and symptoms of CHDs and to seek prompt evaluation and treatment whenever it is necessary. After understanding CHDs and advocating for comprehensive care for newborns, we can make a positive difference in the lives of newborns and their families affected by these complicated heart conditions.

in Cardiology

Heart-Healthy Habits: Top 7 Tips for Promoting Cardiovascular Health in Newborns

The heart is an essential organ that is primarily responsible for the delivery of blood and oxygen to all body parts, ensuring that every organ and tissue can properly function and has sufficient energy for the same. Although newborns have a fully developed heart at birth, it is necessary to develop heart-healthy habits from the very first day to ensure that cardiovascular health is in good shape. If you wish to seek advice from an expert schedule an appointment with Dr. Manvinder who is an expert in Pediatric Cardiology Services and Pediatric and Neonatal Cardiac Surgery. In this blog, we will have a look at the functions of the newborn heart as well as some practical pieces of advice for parents and caregivers to improve and maintain heart health in their newborns.

Understanding the Newborn Heart:

At the moment of birth, a newborn’s heart experiences essential changes as it adapts to live outside the womb. The newborn heart has four chambers: there are two atria and two ventricles similar to that of an adult but much smaller in size, each of them with a specified function of pumping blood and circulating it around the body, providing pure blood everywhere in the body. The most common difference between the newborn and adult heart is that an adult heart has no openings, while the baby heart has two small openings called foramen ovale and ductus arteriosus, which usually close within the first few days or weeks following birth.

Functions of the Newborn Heart:

The major function of the newborn heart is to deliver oxygen-rich blood to different parts and organs of the body and at the same time to eliminate carbon dioxide and waste products from within the body. Also, the heart of the newborn is responsible for blood pressure regulation, water and electrolyte balance as well as metabolic function. By making sure that the newborn heart functions optimally and normally is the cornerstone of improving the general health and well-being of the baby to have a healthy fulfilling life.

Heart-Healthy Habits for Newborns:

1. Breastfeeding:

Breastfeeding helps to deliver newborns with the needed nutrients and antibodies that promote cardiovascular health, increase immunity against diseases and promote growth for the newborn. Sufficient breastfeeding reduces the chance that the newborn will develop cardiovascular diseases in the future and ensures overall health and well-being.

2. Skin-to-Skin Contact:

A skin-to-skin connection between newborns and their mothers or caregivers develops a healthy bond and also stabilises the heartbeat rhythms and normalises the breathing patterns of the newborn. This kind of action is beneficial for cardiovascular health and also for the emotional balance of not only the baby but also the whole family.

3. Maintain a Healthy Environment:

To promote the cardiovascular health of newborns, it is necessary to set up a safe, healthy, clean and productive environment for babies. Ventilation should be adequate, the air temperature should be comfortable, and exposure to smoke, pollution, and other harmful gasses should be eliminated at all times.

4. Regular Check-ups:

Have a paediatrician who is reliable or a health care provider who is an expert in the field to conduct regular checks on the infant’s development and growth. With the doctor performing these medical checks frequently, they can identify heart problems and initiate precautionary measures and effective treatment for the same.

5. Promote Physical Activity:

While newborns may not directly be involved in formal physical activity, don’t forget to include gentle movements and simple exercises from time to time to enhance motor development and cardiovascular health. While the baby is still young, try including activities with a healthy purpose that will aware the baby about movement and physical fitness.

6. Avoid Exposure to Harmful Smoke:

Harmful smoke exposure results in the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases and respiratory problems in newborns. Make sure your home is not a place to smoke, is away from any public smoking areas and limit the exposure to environmental tobacco smoke as well as other air pollutants.

7. Practice Safe Sleep:

Try to provide the safest sleep atmosphere for newborn babies by putting them on their backs to sleep, using a firm yet soft little mattress, and with soft bedding, cushions, and toys for the crib. Safe sleep practices reduce the possibility of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and promote heart health in the young child.


Promoting heart-healthy habits from the earliest stages of life is very essential for supporting optimal cardiovascular health in newborns. By combining breastfeeding, skin-to-skin contact, maintaining a healthy environment, scheduling regular check-ups, promoting physical activity, avoiding exposure to harmful smoke, and practising safe sleep, parents and caregivers can lay the strong foundation for a lifetime of the best heart health for their newborns. If young ones encounter a heart problem then you can reach out to Dr. Manvider who is the Director and Head of the Department of Pediatric Cardiology at Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurgaon. He is an expert in this field and has helped several infants and their families to solve major heart complications with the best treatment solutions. By prioritising cardiovascular health for newborns from the start, we can ensure that newborns grow and thrive, setting the perfect healthy tone for a healthy future ahead.

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Understanding Newborn Heart Conditions: Classification, Identification and Remedies

Old man having chest pain illustration

Understanding Newborn Heart Conditions: Classification, Identification and Remedies

Every parent looks forward to their child’s birth with great anticipation, hoping for a joyful and healthy start. But for other families, the happy news that their newborn has a heart issue might overshadow the significance of this event. There are several heart conditions and abnormalities that can be found in a child’s heart health. Even while it can be unpleasant, knowing about these medical conditions and the treatments that are available will help you provide your child with the best care possible and available. Parents have the option of choosing the best treatment for their young ones which will not only be effective but also promote a quick recover time as well. Here in this blog, we will explore a few common heart problems or abnormalities that doctors often find shortly after the screening of the newborn and offer the best possible treatments for them:

1. Congenital Heart Defects:

Congenital heart defects are structural abnormalities present at birth that affect the heart’s function to beat and pump blood throughout the body. These defects can vary widely in severity, from minor issues that are resolved on their own by natural body healing to complex conditions requiring immediate intervention from professional doctors. Examples include atrial septal defect (ASD), ventricular septal defect (VSD), and tetralogy of Fallot. Treatment options depend on the specific defect but may include medication, catheter-based procedures, or surgery to repair the defect and prepare the tiny heart for a healthy life.

2. Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA):

In some newborns, the ductus arteriosus, a blood vessel that connects the pulmonary artery to the aorta, fails to close after birth as it should have been. This condition, known as patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), can lead to breathing difficulties and poor feeding sessions. Treatment may involve medication to help close the ductus arteriosus or, in severe cases, surgery to ligate or close the vessel, making the blood flow normally through the heart and body.

3. Coarctation of the Aorta:

Coarctation of the aorta is a narrowing of the aorta, the main artery carrying oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the body, this is a very important element of the human body. This narrowing can restrict proper blood flow and lead to high blood pressure and heart failure in severe cases. Treatment typically involves surgery to repair the narrowed portion of the aorta and restore normal blood flow for a long life with a healthy heart.

4. Transposition of the Great Arteries (TGA):

Transposition of the great arteries (TGA) is a condition where the positions of the pulmonary artery and the aorta are switched. This leads to oxygen-poor blood circulating through the body, causing cyanosis (blueness of the skin) and other health complications which are deemed to be life-threatening. Treatment often involves surgery shortly after birth to correct the abnormal blood flow and ensure oxygen-rich blood reaches the body’s tissues for a healthy and oxygenated body.

5. Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS):

Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) is a complex congenital heart defect where the left side of the heart is underdeveloped and the right side is normally developed. This condition requires a series of surgeries from a top doctor, known as the Norwood procedure, the Glenn procedure, and the Fontan procedure, to reroute blood flow and improve heart function. In some cases, a heart transplant may be necessary if the complications are on the rise.

6. Remedies and Treatment Options:

The treatment approach for childhood heart conditions depends on various factors, including the specific diagnosis, the severity of the health condition, and the child’s overall health. In many cases, early intervention is crucial for improving outcomes and minimizing complications. Treatment options may include:

•             Medications: Certain medications may be prescribed to help manage symptoms, improve heart function, or prevent complications.

•             Catheter-based Procedures: Minimally invasive procedures, such as balloon angioplasty or catheter-based valve repair, may be performed to correct certain heart defects.

•             Surgery: In more complicated cases, open-heart surgery may be necessary to repair structural abnormalities or improve heart function. Surgical techniques continue to advance, offering improved outcomes and shorter recovery times.

•             Cardiac Rehabilitation: Following surgery or other interventions, cardiac rehabilitation programs may be recommended to help children recover and regain strength.

It’s essential for parents to work closely with a team of healthcare professionals, including pediatric cardiologists, pediatric surgeons, and other specialists, to develop a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to their child’s needs for the best treatment and outcome.


While the discovery of a heart condition in a newborn can be frightening, understanding the condition in a better way and knowing the available treatment options is key to providing the best care for your child which is the primary requirement for every parent. With advances in medical technology and expertise, many childhood heart conditions can be effectively managed or corrected, allowing children to lead healthy and fulfilling lives in the future. By staying alert, informed, proactive, and engaged in their child’s care, parents can help navigate the journey of childhood heart health with confidence and optimism.

If you have any concerns or questions about your child’s heart health, don’t hesitate to reach out to a certified pediatric cardiologist like Dr. Manvinder who is the Director and Head of the Department of Pediatric Cardiology at Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurgaon or healthcare provider for expert guidance and professional support. Together, we can ensure that every child has an equal opportunity to thrive and flourish, regardless of any challenges they may face in this world.

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Nurturing Young Hearts: Practical Tips for Parents from Dr. Manvinder

Happy girl hugging big red heart on white background illustration

Young tiny hearts beat with the rhythm of life and are very fragile in nature proving to be harmful if not identified and treated at the earliest stage. As a pediatric cardiologist at NanheDil, The Child Heart Centre, Dr. Manvinder holds enormous experience and has witnessed the importance of maintaining children’s heart health firsthand. He is open to sharing his expert knowledge with the world to help parents develop a healthy heart for their adorable young ones, here are some useful tips for parents to consider during the journey of parenthood:

1. Encourage Healthy Eating Habits:

The parents can play the main role in encouraging heart-healthy eating habits at a young age for their kids. Promotion of a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins should also be practised for the children. For example, replacing sweet treats with fresh fruits like apple slices and peanut butter or carrot sticks with hummus will make a huge difference in the long run. Through feeding nutritious meals and snacks to young ones, parents ensure that they get a lifetime habit of good heart health and overall well-being.

2. Stay Active Together:

The importance of regular physical activity to be in good health in relation to a good heart is evident. Parents can become role models by participating in physical exercises together with their children. Whether it’s going on relaxing walks, adventures while riding bikes, or playing outdoor sports as a family unit, being active with your family not only strengthens cardiovascular integrity but also builds permanent family ties. When parents include regular exercise in family life and make it a fun activity, they pass on healthy habits that their children will maintain throughout their long lives thereby having good heart health and a healthy mind as well.

3. Prioritize Quality Sleep:

Good sleep is vital to heart health and the overall health of individuals. A systematic approach to bedtime is necessary to ensure that children receive adequate sleep every night. By avoiding the use of technological devices for half an hour before bed while substituting such activities with easier, and relaxing activities like reading and gentle stretching, parents may provide a relaxing bedtime atmosphere for their children for a healthy sleep. Sleep hygiene is important when it comes to ensuring that parents help their children recharge their energy and support their heart’s health hand in hand.

4. Be Mindful of Stress:

Stress management is crucial, especially at the moment when a child is very young. Parents can show children good coping habits and examples to help them deal with stress by breathing properly or having a mindfulness mindset to find a solution rather than overthinking on the problem. There are other ways of managing stress, such as building an atmosphere for children, in which they freely vocalize their feelings and share their emotions without hiding any details. Parents should demonstrate effective coping mechanisms and express sympathy in times of conflict, enabling their children to create healthy methods for stress management in the future.

5. Know the Warning Signs:

Parents have to be made aware of the possible signs of heart problems in children. While heart conditions are unfamiliar among children, there are some symptoms such as complained shoulder and chest pain which should never be ignored, but it is very important not to overlook heart conditions even among children that are layered with chest pain, fainting, breathlessness or palpitations. Fortunately, parents who would soon get to know any symptoms that are unfavourable to them should immediately seek medical intervention to preserve their child’s heart health. Effective vigilance and proper proactivity on the children’s health could allow the parents to prevent heart diseases in their children and promote healthy hearts for a long life.

6. Regular Check-ups are Key:

Regular check-ups with a pediatrician are vital for monitoring children’s heart health at regular interventions. Pediatricians can perform routine screenings and evaluations to detect any potential issues early on for early and effective treatment. Parents should schedule regular appointments and communicate any concerns or family history of heart disease to their pediatrician to promote transparency. By staying proactive about their children’s health, parents can ensure that any potential heart issues are addressed promptly and that heart health is optimal.

7. Lead by Example:

As role models, parents have a significant influence on their children’s behaviours and habits. By prioritizing their own heart health through healthy lifestyle choices, parents set a positive example for their children to follow in their teenage and adult lives. Incorporating heart-healthy habits into family routines, such as cooking nutritious meals together or being physically active as a family, reinforces the importance of heart health from an early age and builds a strong family bond that lasts beyond a lifetime in the form of healthy cherished memories.


Remember, nurturing young hearts goes beyond physical health and also includes emotional well-being and overall happiness for the children and the family. By incorporating these simple tips mentioned above into their family’s daily routine, parents can help develop a heart of heart-healthy habits for their children. Every small step towards a healthy lifestyle makes a child’s future healthier and amplifies heart health for children. It is also important to remember to identify early signs of discomfort in the infant’s body, muscles and bones and get immediate medical help regarding the same.

If you ever have more questions or concerns about your child’s heart health, please don’t hesitate to reach out. At NanheDil, The Child Heart Centre, we’re here to support you every step of the way and make your lives healthier for a long life and healthy experience altogether.

Dr Manvinder wishes you and your family continued health and happiness.

in Uncategorized

How to Keep Your Child’s Hearth Healthy Before and After Birth?

High blood pressure abstract concept vector illustration. Hypertension disease, blood pressure control, monitor, examination in hospital, tonometer, heart attack, arteria strain abstract metaphor.

Your child’s heart is a precious and delicate treasure for all your family, deserving of the utmost care and attention when required. Dr. Manvinder Singh Sachdev, MD (Pediatrics), FNB (Pediatric Cardiology), is a distinguished pediatric cardiologist and the Director of the Department of Pediatric Cardiology at Fortis Memorial Research Institute in Gurgaon. With his wealth of knowledge and experience, Dr. Sachdev is committed to safeguarding and enhancing the heart health of children. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore detailed strategies and insights on how to ensure a healthy child’s heart before and after birth, as well as the necessary steps to take if any heart complications are detected post-birth.

Before Birth: Prenatal Heart Health

Prenatal heart health is the foundation upon which a child’s cardiovascular well-being is built. Dr. Sachdev firmly believes that a proactive approach to prenatal care can significantly impact the heart health of the developing fetus.

1. Prenatal Care: Prenatal care is the initial step in the journey to a healthy heart before birth. Dr. Sachdev emphasizes that regular check-ups during pregnancy are paramount. Ideally, prenatal care should begin as soon as pregnancy is confirmed. Specialized tests, such as fetal echocardiography, can detect congenital heart defects early on, enabling timely interventions and personalized care plans.

2. Genetic Counselling: For families with a history of heart problems or genetic predispositions, genetic counselling becomes crucial. Dr. Sachdev’s expertise in pediatric cardiology allows him to provide comprehensive guidance, enabling informed family planning decisions and managing potential hereditary heart issues.

3. Maternal Health: A mother’s lifestyle choices during pregnancy can significantly impact fetal heart development. Dr. Sachdev underscores the importance of expectant mothers adopting a well-rounded approach to prenatal care. This includes maintaining a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients, engaging in safe physical activity, and avoiding harmful substances like tobacco and alcohol. Stress management techniques can also positively impact fetal heart development.

During Birth: Ensuring a Safe and Healthy Arrival

Dr. Sachdev’s commitment to heart health extends to ensuring a safe delivery process for newborns.

1. Skilled Delivery Team: Dr. Sachdev’s experience and proficiency enable him to collaborate effectively with delivery teams. This ensures that any heart-related issues that may arise during childbirth are addressed promptly and with precision.

2. Immediate Evaluation: Newborns occasionally require immediate evaluation and intervention for congenital heart defects. Dr. Sachdev’s adeptness in pediatric cardiology ensures timely assessments. This facilitates necessary interventions to support the child’s heart health right from the start.

After Birth: Nurturing a Healthy Heart

Once a child enters the world, the journey of nurturing a healthy heart continues. Ways to check and keep a healthy child’s heart can be: –

1. Early Detection: Regular pediatric check-ups are the cornerstone of maintaining a healthy heart after birth. Dr. Sachdev’s specialized department at Fortis Memorial Research Institute excels in the detection and management of heart conditions in infants and children. Routine monitoring is essential to ensure any potential issues are identified and addressed promptly.

2. Vaccinations: Certain infections, such as rheumatic fever, can lead to heart problems if left untreated. Dr. Sachdev advocates for adhering to the recommended vaccination schedule. Vaccines can help prevent these infections, reducing the risk of heart-related complications.

3. Healthy Lifestyle: Promoting a heart-healthy lifestyle from an early age is instrumental in preventing heart disease later in life. Dr. Sachdev encourages parents to foster an environment that encourages a balanced diet, regular physical activity, and a smoke-free atmosphere.

If Heart Complications Are Detected After Birth, Do Not Worry.

In some cases where heart complications are detected post-birth, parents should never panic but rather follow these steps:

1. Consultation with a Pediatric Cardiologist: Seek immediate consultation with a pediatric cardiologist like Dr. Sachdev, who can conduct a thorough evaluation, including imaging tests and diagnostic procedures, to assess the nature and severity of the heart condition.

2. Treatment Plan: Based on the diagnosis, the pediatric cardiologist will develop a customized treatment plan. This may include medications, cardiac catheterization procedures, or surgical interventions, depending on the specific condition of the diagnosed child.

3. Family Education: Dr. Sachdev believes in empowering families with information about the heart condition, treatment options, and long-term care requirements. It’s crucial for parents to understand the condition and actively participate in their child’s care.

4. Supportive Care: In many cases, ongoing care and regular follow-ups are necessary. Dr. Sachdev and his team provide comprehensive support to families, including addressing any concerns and monitoring the child’s progress.

It is very hard for a parent to understand and face the fact that their newborn has innate heart complications. During these rough times, parents should never drop hope and be persistent toward their family’s collective goal of eliminating the problem from the root. Modern medical advancements will definitely help in eradicating newborn heart complications. Parents should always and only follow the right procedure which is prescribed by an expert doctor in this field like Dr. Sachdev, to give their newborn a healthy and heart-wealthy future.

Dr. Manvinder Singh Sachdev’s dedication to safeguarding pediatric heart health is marked by his comprehensive approach and unwavering commitment to excellence. With his extensive training, including a National Board Pediatric Cardiology fellowship and invaluable experience in esteemed institutions, he stands as a beacon of hope for families seeking to ensure their child’s heart remains healthy. By following Dr. Sachdev’s guidance, parents and caregivers can proactively take measures to protect their child’s heart. In cases where heart complications are detected, timely intervention and expert care can significantly improve outcomes, offering children the opportunity for a vibrant and thriving future. Dr. Sachdev’s holistic approach ensures that every child has the best chance for a healthy heart, from prenatal care to birth and beyond.

in Cardiology

The Significance Of Cardiac Event Monitors

What is a Cardiac Event Monitor?
Cardiac event monitors are important medical devices used by pediatric cardiologists and surgeons to detect and treat heart conditions such as arrhythmias. These monitors can provide an invaluable insight into the heart, allowing doctors to detect abnormalities and monitor the patient’s heart rate and rhythm. In this article, we’ll explore the different types of cardiac event monitors, how they are used, and the significance of utilizing these devices in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiac conditions. We’ll also discuss the benefits of using pediatric cardiologists and surgeons in Gurgaon for cardiac event monitoring.

Types of Cardiac Event Monitors
This section will explain the different types of cardiac event monitors available and their functions. It will cover Holter Monitors, Mobile Cardiac Telemetry Monitors, and Implantable Loop Recorders. Each type of device will be analyzed to evaluate their performance and effectiveness.

Holter Monitors
Holter monitoring is a type of cardiac event monitor used to detect abnormal heart rhythms. It involves attaching electrodes to a patient’s chest and recording electrical signals from their heart while they go about their normal activities. Holter monitors can detect cardiac events such as atrial and ventricular arrhythmias and other events that may be an indicator of heart disease. Holter monitors are especially helpful for pediatric patients who may experience health issues that may not be detected through electrocardiogram testing. Pediatric cardiologists and surgeons in Gurgaon often use Holter monitors to assess heart health in children.

Mobile Cardiac Telemetry Monitors
Recent advancements in technology have enabled Mobile Cardiac Telemetry (MCT) monitors, which are designed to be worn on a patient’s body and can continuously measure and monitor the patient’s heart activity in a non-invasive way. These monitors can detect arrhythmias, detect long and short-term changes in cardiac activity, and alert health care professionals when irregularities arise. MCT monitors are especially beneficial for pediatric patients, and many pediatric cardiologist surgeons in Gurgaon have begun incorporating the use of these monitors into their patient care. In addition to providing accurate heart

monitoring, these devices can help to reduce hospital stays and enable more accurate diagnoses.

Implantable Loop Recorders
(ILR) are a type of cardiac event monitor which are implanted subcutaneously within a patient’s chest. It is a very small device which is typically inserted through a minimally invasive procedure by a pediatric cardiologist or surgeon in Gurgaon. ILRs provide
continuous monitoring for up to two to three years and are most often used to diagnose the cause of infrequent or difficult-to-detect cardiac arrhythmias. The ILR is used for prolonged monitoring periods, such as those that exceed 48 hours, and is less obtrusive than other cardiac event monitors.

How Cardiac Event Monitors Are Used
Cardiac event monitors are devices used to record the heart’s electrical activity. They are used to diagnose and treat cardiac diseases or to evaluate the effectiveness of medications and treatments. Cardiac event monitors are typically worn over the patient’s chest and connected to a device which records and transmits the patient’s heart activity. The recorded data is then accessed by a doctor or a cardiologist who can analyze it to make a diagnosis.

Cardiac event monitors are commonly used in patients presenting with symptoms of atrial fibrillation, supraventricular tachycardia, ventricular tachycardia, and bradycardia. They are also used to investigate syncope, palpitations, chest pains, dizziness, and other symptoms related to cardiac malfunction. In some cases, they can also detect atrial flutter, long QT syndrome, and Brugada syndrome.

Pediatric cardiologists are increasingly using cardiac event monitors for monitoring infants and children. A pediatric cardiologist in Gurgaon may recommend that a child undergo a cardiac event monitor test to diagnose or monitor a suspected or existing heart condition or to detect a rhythm abnormality. The device is used to observe heart rhythm patterns in children and infants which may indicate an underlying cardiac condition.

Besides diagnosing cardiac conditions, cardiac event monitors can also be used as a therapeutic device. Implantable loop recorders are cardiac event monitors which are used for long-term monitoring, allowing doctors to closely observe a patient’s heart rate and rhythm. This monitoring allows the doctor to detect any abnormalities in the patient’s heart rate or rhythm and adjust the treatment based on the findings.

In conclusion, cardiac event monitors are an invaluable tool in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiac conditions. With their help, doctors are able to diagnose cardiac conditions and adjust treatments to ensure the best treatment outcomes. Pediatric cardiologists in Gurgaon have increasingly been using cardiac event monitors for monitoring infants and children, allowing for early detection and treatment of any underlying cardiac issues.

Detecting Cardiac Arrhythmias
Cardiac event monitors are used to detect arrhythmias (irregular heartbeats). These monitors help diagnose irregular heartbeats that may require further medical attention. Cardiac event monitors can also be used to detect changes in the electrical activity of the heart and to record the patient’s heart activity over a prolonged period of time. This can be incredibly helpful for a pediatric cardiologist surgeon in Gurgaon to monitor a patient’s heart rate and rhythm. By using this data, the cardiologist can more precisely diagnose and treat any cardiac irregularities.

Evaluating Symptoms
In order to accurately detect and diagnose cardiac events, it is important that a healthcare provider evaluates the patient’s symptoms. Pediatric cardiologists and surgeons in Gurgaon have developed technologies and protocols to help accurately assess and diagnose patients for cardiac events. These tools can include physical examinations, electrocardiograms, echocardiography, and cardiac event monitors. By employing these technologies and protocols, healthcare providers can make an accurate diagnosis and provide the best possible care for their patients.

Monitoring Response to Treatment
Cardiac event monitors, such as a Holter monitor, allow doctors to assess the response of cardiac patients to treatment regimens. By tracking a patient’s heart rate and rhythm, event monitoring can help a physician determine if medication dosages need to be adjusted or if a patient needs further evaluation and treatment. A Pediatric cardiologist surgeon in Gurgaon can use cardiac event monitors to assess a patient’s long-term response to treatment, including lifestyle changes, and to diagnose and treat abnormal heart rhythms. Event monitoring can also help in the diagnosis and treatment of heart failure, which is an increasingly common problem in India. Long-term monitoring is especially important when it comes to pediatric patients, as a pediatric cardiologist surgeon in Gurgaon will be able to better manage any potential problems before they become more serious.

Cardiac event monitors are highly valuable tools for medical professionals and their patients. These devices provide important information that can help cardiologists and other medical professionals diagnose and treat cardiovascular diseases, monitor cardiac activity, and adjust medications. They can be used by both adults and children and can provide invaluable insight into cardiac health. In addition, they help improve quality of life and reduce risk of future cardiac events.

Overall, the growing use of cardiac event monitors demonstrates the increasing importance of these devices in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Pediatric

cardiologists and surgeons in Gurgaon, and in other cities around the world, rely on these monitors to help provide timely, evidence-based care for their patients. With their help, these specialists can increase patient safety and improve outcomes, helping to ensure the best possible care for patients of all ages.

in Cardiology

How to choose the best paediatric cardiologist for your child?

Is your child suffering from acute heart disease? Are you considering consulting a cardiologist in your locality? If yes, you better consult a paediatric cardiologist for the best result. A paediatric cardiologist can diagnose your child differently from a regular cardiologist. You can enjoy better treatment for your child by consulting with such a doctor. 

Searching for the best paediatric cardiologist near me on Google can provide numerous results. However, finding the reliable one from them takes a lot of work. Moreover, in places like Delhi, where people want to get more sensitive health care for children treatment, you better consult with such a suitable expert. 

So what can be your next step? How can you find a reliable and experienced paediatric cardiologist? Which metrics should you use for choosing the perfect person? Let’s discuss it. 

Tips for finding the reliable paediatric cardiologist 
The following tips will help you to find the best paediatric cardiologists in India for your child’s health care. 

Create a wide shortlist 
Creating a shortlist can be the first way to make a great decision regarding paediatric cardiologists. With the latest technology, you can have a comprehensive list of doctors who can treat your child’s heart issues. Moreover, choosing from the written names is safer for your child’s health care. 

For instance, you may contact Dr. Manvinder Singh Sachdev, one of the best paediatric cardiologists in India. He can assist you in finding the perfect treatment for your child. You can check the doctor’s bio-data and historical background on websites. Making a list with such an experienced doctor’s name can help you to find the desired result. 

Understand your child’s condition
If you still do not determine your child’s problem, do it fast before consulting a paediatric cardiologist. It will help you broach the conversation with the specialist. If you are advised to consult with a specific paediatric cardiologist, you must have basic knowledge of your child’s issue. 

It is because you can choose the perfect doctor for the treatment. Moreover, finding a doctor to diagnose your child with such problem will be easier for you. 

Ascertain the comfort of a child 
As an acute treatment, child health care involves immense satisfaction regarding the children’s comfort. If your child can’t respond to the treatment, you may not get the ultimate satisfaction regarding the diagnosis. Therefore, ascertaining the child’s comfort is vital when choosing a paediatric cardiologist for your child. 

Searching paediatric cardiologist near me on Google search can provide numerous results, but you must choose the one who can provide your child with the best communication. Moreover, a child’s heart issues must be cleared from the child’s aspect for better treatment. Therefore, you better choose a doctor who can childishly communicate with your child and appropriately treat them. 

Check the hospital infrastructure 
When consulting with a paediatric cardiologist, you must check the hospital infrastructure and other details for better treatment of your children. As one of the best paediatric cardiologists in India, a doctor always coordinates any operations or remedy under the best hospitals in the country. Therefore, evaluating the hospital can provide you better name as a paediatric cardiologist. 

For instance, if you consult with Dr. Manvinder Singh Sachdev, you’ll get the opportunity to get treatment from Fortis Hospital, one of the largest super-specialty hospitals in India. Thus, a connection with a medical institution can provide you with the satisfaction of getting the best choice for a paediatric cardiologist. 

Check whether the concerned doctor can provide treatment in any particular emergency. Those with excellent services who can offer the same can be considered reliable paediatric cardiologists. You can get the utmost satisfaction regarding your child’s health issues. Moreover, the availability helps to make an immediate diagnosis of your child. What can be more preferable than it? 

To make it happen, you may search best paediatric cardiologist near me in Google search, but how can you choose the best one regarding this metric? Therefore, you may consult with Dr. Manvinder Singh Sachdev for reliable treatment for your child. You can make an appointment online for his consultancy and treatment facility. Moreover, as he collaborates with Fortis Hospital, you can directly get his consultancy in the hospital. 

Speak with some previous beneficiary parents 
While choosing a reliable paediatric cardiologist near me, you better speak and get a review from those parents who have benefited early. Talking with them can satisfy you enough to rely upon a paediatric cardiologist. Moreover, in such sensitive issues, a parent can only feel the trouble you are suffering from. Therefore, you can get a reliable referral for your child’s health care. 

Conclusively, searching for the best paediatric cardiologist near me on Google and choosing the desired one from them is different. Therefore, you better consider these tips to get the maximum convenient result. 
